Why You Might Want To Seek Out Ethanol-Free Gas For Your Vehicle Or Fleet

27 September 2021
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Whether you have one vehicle or an entire fleet of them, you have surely noticed the different options to fuel up at your local gas station. Today, it's possible to get gas that has ethanol added to it, but it's still possible to find an ethanol-free gas provider as well. The government is encouraging the addition of ethanol to gasoline because it reduces emissions and is better for the environment. While that's a worthy goal, there are a variety of reasons why some drivers prefer sticking with pure gasoline. Read More …

When Is a Brake Pad Replacement Needed?

22 February 2021
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you are a car owner, then you probably know that keeping good brake pads on your car is essential. What you might not know, however, is how often you should have your brake pads changed. These are some examples of times when a brake replacement might be needed. It's Been a While Since Your Brake Pads Have Been Changed For one thing, replacing your brake pads is a regular part of vehicle maintenance, and it's something that needs to be done from time to time, even if there is nothing wrong with your car, your brakes, or your driving habits. Read More …